

U.S. Senate Passes Hong Kong Democracy Bill, Drawing China’s Ire

Some say that Japan should pass a similar bill, but it should be done. But the political world remained silent...

November 19 Saito Kazumi News Wide SAKIDORI!

According to the report, it was found that the tear gas contained dioxin. In addition, it is said that what the "wat...

Chinese and Korean students are confronting over the Hong Kong problem at a Korean university campus, and the Chinese Embassy in Korea announces “regret”

Is a problem that can occur in any country. I think that liberal states should confirm freedom of speech and r...

NHK Today’s Close-up+ What will happen to the “Endurance War” of the Hong Kong Demo? -What is the front line of citizens vs. government- part 5

`` If there is a scenario in which Hong Kong wins, it can only happen when external pressure works properly.It re...

NHK Today’s Close-up+ What will happen to the “Endurance War” of the Hong Kong Demo? -What is the front line of citizens vs. government- part 4

Originally, with the support of the West and Japan, residents in Hong Kong should not suffer so far. These partne...

NHK クローズアップ現代+ 香港デモ“持久戦”の行方は?~市民vs政府 最前線で何が~ その3

攬炒について新聞では 麗しの島から 香港デモ「勇武派」横行しても失速しないわけ 福岡静哉・台北特派員 や 香港「勇武派」先鋭化 警察と対峙、マスク姿の若者 破壊活動「未来のため」 ...

NHK Today’s Close-up+ What will happen to the “Endurance War” of the Hong Kong Demo? -What is the front line of citizens vs. government- part 3

In the newspaper about stir-fried From the beautiful island Hong Kong demo “Yumu” does not stall even if rampant Cor...

10月6日 サンデーモーニング

では 「香港政府、デモ参加者のマスク禁止 多数が激しい抗議」 について「過激な行為を抑制するのが狙いですが。」と報道。 身元がばれた瞬間酷い弾圧に会うのは「クローズアップ現代+ 香港 “200万人デモ”の衝撃~進...

Hong Kong protester shot by police at point-blank range has been charged with assault

People who value democracy around the world should put Hong Kong first. Even so, the response of Western countrie...


は怪我の回復をお祈りします。 日本のテレビでは、中国が中国本土のヤクザを雇って投入しているといわれていることや、警官がデモ隊に紛れ込んでいた事件などが伝えられません。 香港市民の警官によって負わされた怪我なども伝え...