香港デモ“持久戦”の行方は?~市民vs政府 最前線で何が~ - NHK クローズアップ現代 全記録
“ If there is a scenario in which Hong Kong wins, it can only happen when external pressure works properly.It resembles Britain waiting for America to enter the World War II. ”
before I said. I think it was big element that Churchill had drawn half of America ’s blood at the time, when the partnership between Britain and the United States became possible.
Following that, I think that Hong Kong people should be active leaders of foreign nationalities and double (half) people who are naturalized to the symbol of movement.
Or get out on the front line.
I think this will be a very powerful tactic.
I think it is good to give a demonstration with Christians in front.
The rest is just waiting for some luck like fool of attacking Pearl Harbor.