I was lucky to win a lottery so I went there
Until I saw the program at the venue, it was like a handbell concert, so I was surprised.
It is about nine ensembles of the Vienna Philharmonic gathered mainly by former concert master Küchl.
The ring is a ring road in the old town of Vienna. This is a feeling that represents the territory.
After the New Year’s concert of the Vienna Philharmonic, it has become common practice to visit Japan in this ensemble, and this is the 30th performance trip this year. This year, he has been in Japan since January 3rd.
The Suntory Hall concert held the other day seemed to be full.
It seems like you did “Beethoven Medley (250th anniversary)” here. I wanted to hear this.
Composed by Joseph Strauss Jockey Polka Arranged by Michael Roth
It is a short song that seems to be the opening, lively, bright and Waltz-like.
Interview with members here.
Interviews were sandwiched between songs, and the concerts were very long.
This cannot be taken for money. But I’m rather welcome because I like the story.
All of them were interesting stories, but they will hardly be broadcast on TV.
In the first place, it was based on Küchl’s string quartet.
It seems that it expanded.
The arrangement of Michael Roth requires a double bass.
Horn and flute. Completed by adding two clarinets.
There is no bassoon or oboe. The sub clarinet plays those parts. It seems that the balance is better.
Clarinet’s Daniel Ottenzamer is revered as a god in the clarinet industry, and clarinet player Makoto Yoshida seems to be afraid. Ottenzamer said the whole family was considered clarinet crazy.
The flute is Carl-Heinz Schütz. Was that so young? I thought. He introduced himself as Schütz, who succeeded Schultz as chief flutist in 2011. It’s confusing because the names are similar. There are many such people.
Muraji seems to have been next to Küchl on a plane, and he has seen him in the city of Vienna.
She is familiar with the Vienna Philharmonic if she thinks that Spain is the center.
Muraji’s question seems to be quite brave, as it is a spiritual one or a place where it is unlikely that she should.
Johan Strauss II, Sake, Woman, Song, Arranged by Michael Roth
Is a cheerful and elegant song. A soft song is like a daylight.
There is a passage that goes back and forth, and it is humorous that the player’s body moves like that.
It’s a place where you can put their Physicality into music.